Gastons Barn, Canal Lane Contact via the Clerk Stoney House, Plummers Farm Plummers Farmhouse 18 Park Way Quarry House, Nursery View 14 Brooke Road, Cirencester Roberts Lodge, South Cerney Road The Old Orchard, Ashton RoadMarcia Turner Chair24 Park WayJohn Hayward Vice-ChairNigel Deller Councillor11 Fraziers FollyIan Smith CouncillorMike BargeCouncillorIan WatersCouncillorJan SparrowCouncillorChris Smith CouncillorAnn Gibbons CouncillorMark YoungCouncillorCarol YoungCouncillor
If you wish to raise any matters regarding Siddington, please speak to one of the above or contact the parish council through the Clerk:
Tel: 07498 282 290